Drone Courses

Entry Requirements:

  1. Diploma in an Earth Science related field of study

    OR at least five (5) CSEC with Geography as a preference.

  2. National ID.

 Whether you're aspiring to kickstart a career as a Certified Drone Pilot or simply seeking the joy of flying drones for recreation, these courses are designed to captivate your interest.

Fundamentals of Drone Operations

  1. Learn the principles of flight and the theory behind how drones work.

  2. Finetune your skills, make every moment count.

  3. Learn drone maneuvering techniques that will improve your flight skills.

Tuition: J$120,000

Duration: 2 months


Cinematography Drone Operations

  1. Learn how best to film stunning landscapes, buildings and people!

  2. Create beautiful frames like a Pro!

  3. establish drone setting, learn how to set the scene.

  4. Learn elaborate video editing techniques.

Intermediate Course Pre-requisite:

  1. Fundamentals of Drone Operations Certificate.

Advanced Course Pre-requisite:

  1. Intermediate Cinematography Drone Operations

Tuition: J$120,000 per course

Duration: 3 months per course


Land Surveying & Real Estate Drone Operations

  1. Learn the unique skills of aerial mapping

  2. Try your hand at inspection mapping

  3. Learn the techniques of field operations

  4. Post-process your imagery like a Pro!

Intermediate Course Pre-requisite:

  1. Fundamentals of Drone Operations Certificate.

Advanced Course Pre-requisite:

  1. Intermediate Land Surveying & Real Estate Drone Operations

Tuition: J$120,000 per course

Duration: 3 months per course

